Writer: Different Text Column Setttings on Different Pages?

I’m writing a document that’s generally formatted into two text columns, but occasionally I need to set a page to single-column for the sake of a table or graphic. How do I do this? The default column selection changes the entire document, without an option to specify just one seperate from others.

Note, I put reasonable effort into searching for the solution in the in-application help resources, but rather frustratingly any attempt to search for “columns” keeps directing me to table formatting, not page text.

When you need to temporarily change the general layout in a page for a limited extent (meaning you revert to your previous layout), think of sections.

Put your cursor where you want to switch from 2-column to 1-column layout. Insert>Section and set the properties of the new section (number of columns, gutter width, margins at left and right – these are independent from paragraph indents–, background, …). Click OK.

As a convenience, type an empty paragraph and switch immediately to your previous layout with Insert>Section again, because it is not so handy to do it afterwards.

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I’m not sure if you can switch to 1-column layout using sections on a 2-column layout defined at page style level. At least I see a “1-column” section inserted into one of page columns.

But if you create a (2-column) section from the beginning, then you can insert a 1-column section in the middle in relatively easy 1-step way: add several empty paragraphs below the point where you need 1-columnar layout, then select 1 paragraph above ans then insert 1-column section.

@mikekaganski is right: a section is always inserted inside a column in the present layout. Consequently, start the other way round with a 1-column layout (your temporary setting) and insert 2-column sections everywhere for your “common” text.

The number of columns on a page is an option for page styles,providing you are changing columns for a complete page. This is similar to other page style options such as headers, footers, orientation etc.

Sections are certainly another useful option, especially when you wish to change just a part of a page.