AutoFilter (or any other filter) with a list of values per cell?

Let’s suppose I’m building a comparative table where each row describes a certain product and each column names a specific property category, and individual cells specify values of these properties for each product. Certain properties imply ranges of values (e. g., the nominal frequency range of a wireless antenna) and certain products have more than one value for certain properties (e. g. available body colors of a smartphone).

Now, I need to create a filter which would understand such cases. E. g. if I specify “Black; Gray; White” in a cell, then the basic autofilter in Calc will offer me a single option with exact same text (“Black; Gray; White”), while I need the filter to offer me three options (“Black”, “Gray” and “White”) each of which should select this row. Same goes for ranges.

Is it possible to create such a filter in Calc or in any other application in the LibreOffice suite?

Instead of AutoFilter that offers choices of entire cell contents, use Data → More Filters → Standard Filter with Contains Black OR Contains Gray OR …