How open damage ods file?

I experienced trouble with ods file. Can`t open one ods file. After clicking blue circle rotate long minutes and nothing more happened. LO is hang on after every try of open this file - I may see “no answer” info in uper right corner.
Tricks like change name to zip and open content.xml - don1t work. Is anybody able to help me?

Dear All,
I solved my problem different way. ODS file which couldn`t be opened by Libre Office 6.0 has been open without troubles by MS Excel. Next it has been written in xls format and opened from xls in LO.

So if you have similiar troubles I advice try open it in Microsoft suite.

Be sure everything is there, I think MS reads the ods version 1.2 but not the new options in 1.2 extended, so maybe some new developments not incorporated on the standard ODF 1.2 can be lost.