How to paste between cells and preserve value

Hi, I have the following issue in Calc:

Sheet with values in cells A1 and A3.

I select cell A2 and paste some delimited text which I copied from outside Calc.

The value in cell A3 is overwritten by the pasted content.

Is there a way to paste at some cell having cell values on the next row shift down? Thanks!

The value in cell A3 is overwritten by the pasted content. How did you accomplish this? I tried pasting “a,b,c” from a text editor into cell A2 but it does not overwrite cell A3.

Happens when the clipboard contains multi-line text.

Clipboard paste overwrites and does not insert rows/columns/cells, unless it is the Calc internal clipboard and Paste Special is used, which offers to shift cells. To insert between cells shifting those, best paste the external data onto an empty area and then copy that area and Paste Special to the final destination with Shift Cells Down activated.

Thanks @erAck! This is exactly what I was looking for :slight_smile: