How do I insert a slide linked to another presentation?

Let say I have presentation slides in one odp file named A, all are unique. I create another presentation B and want to pick up slide from presentation A that stay linked.
One advantage is wenn I change linked slide in presentation A, it is directly updated in presentation B. Presentation A plays the role of a data bank of slides. I can combine slides form A in others presentations B, C, D,… with only one place to update (in A).
I don’t want to create one file per slide and import as a file, is not proper and gives a mess of files.
Is that slide linking idea actually possible?

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I have never heard about referencing like this. You could use sections (Writer) or work on HTML (frames or iframe). I am afraid that DDE does not work in Impress as well.

You could link to other presentations, but that is not your “demand”.

This feature of linked slides is available in google slides but I’m not sure about libreoffice.