Inserting Page Breaks - Writer

I’m using Writer on Mac OS X 10.11.6. I’m working on a document that will later be exported as a PDF for on-demand printing as a book. My page size is set to 8.63" W x 8.75" H (for a full bleed book) and the trim size will be 8.5" x 8.5" which means that the excess beyond 8.5" will be trimmed off by the printer.

My problem is that I am inserting images that are 8.63" W x 8.75" H (the same size as the page" and after setting the images to Original Size and filling the page there is no way I can find to easily insert a page break. The Insert/Page Break option is grayed out. There is no way to click outside of the image when it fills the page. Sure, I can shrink the image down so that I can click on the page outside the image area, insert a page break, and then expand the image back to full size, but this adds a number of unwelcome steps to the work flow. SometimesI can insert a page break before expanding the image to the size of the page but not always. Is there a way to insert a page break without doing this dance?

Ctrl Enter doesn’t work?

My keyboard does not have an Enter key, but Cntrl-Return doesn’t seem to do anything, nor does Option-Return or Command-Return. The Esc key works, as pointed out by gabix (above). In inserts an insertion bar the height of the page margin on the right side of the image.

Try this:

  1. Click on the image to select it.

  2. Hit Esc.

  3. Hit Ctr + Enter (or use Format → Paragraph → Text flow → Breaks for more options).

Thanks. That seems to work. Is this anywhere in the documentation, do you know?

I don’t think so. The matter is about mere logic, about the fact that you can insert a page break only for a paragraph.

I don’t think so. The matter is about mere logic, about the fact that you can insert a page break only for a paragraph.

Why would anybody expect that Esc would have anything to do with a paragraph or a page break. Where is the logic in that? :slight_smile:

It is simple: hitting Esc deselects an object and puts the cursor to a paragraph. In Writer, a paragraph is sort of container of everything else.

If you know where you will insert t h e image, first insert the page break, then insert the image.

Images are generally inserted on a blank page, centered, and at that time there is room around them in which to click so as a page break can be added. BUT, after the image is expanded to Original Size and it fills the page there is nowhere outside the image to click in order to insert a page break.