Draw - Objects no longer selectable

Hello! Recently I have frequently been having this problem when using Draw: objects will become no longer selectable, but still appear on the document. They are not on the master slide, and they do not appear when printing. This has happened with text boxes and I think images as well. It’s frustrating because I need to create the object all over again (including having to re-write text) even though it appears as if it’s already there.

Please let me know if you can help. Thanks!

I’m using ubuntu, and these are the Libre Office details:

Build ID: 1:5.4.6-0ubuntu0.17.10.1

Welcome to the forum! I upvoted the question (it’s well-written), so now you have enough points to attach an example file and possibly a screenshot that shows the problem. To do this, edit the question.

Did you try already with a reset user profile? UP corruption can cause very strange issues sometimes.

Thanks for your help. I haven’t tried to reset the user profile. I just now have tried running it in safe mode and the objects do not become selectable that were not. However, I have tried to reproduce the problem by adding many more objects and the problem has not arisen again. I will try to continue using it in safe mode and see if the problem does occur.

Concerning one of the not selectable shapes again:
Did you already try to “capture” it by using the selection-arrow to draw a rectangular range completely surrounding the object?
If the object now shows as selected: What’s the state under ‘Arrange’?

Objects can be in the Controls or Dimension Lines layers, and the layer can be locked.

EDIT: To unlock a layer, (in addition to what @EarnestAl wrote) choose menu Format - Layer…, and uncheck Locked.

Tested with LibreOffice (x86); OS: Windows 6.1.

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Right-click on each tab at the bottom, just below the horizontal scrollbar , select Modify layer and verify if Printable is ticked.

Master slide implies a question related to Impress however?

Master slide

It’s true, I overlooked that detail.

A confusion with Page - Master Page…?

Probably, not using the names on the screen is quite common. Happy Christmas

Changing the layer lock by right-clicking the layer tabs locked up any selection on any layer. However changing the locks via the drop down menu cleared up the problem. So this is probably a bug in
Version: (X86_64) / LibreOffice Community
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