Find and replace keyboard shortcut

Is there a keyboard shortcut, so that when i’m in the find and replace window, to go back to the text of the document, without closing the find and replace window?

Until now i’m choosing an area of the text of the document i want to work, i’m doing the changes, by using escape button i’m closing the find and replace window, i’m choosing another area of the text in the document and i’m going again to the find and replace window by using ctrl+H.

This probably depends on your operating system (which is … what?). Since CTRL+H is your “find-and-replace” shortcut, I’m guessing it’s not OSX? Have you tried CTRL+`? (That is control plus back-tick, which is on many keyboards the key “above” the tab key, extreme upper-left.)

My operating system is linux debian with gnome. Ctrl + ` doesn’t work.

On Ubuntu 18.04 (Gnome), the setting for switching between windows of an application is Alt + F6. That combination is pre-defined. The setting is under the Keyboard preferences:


Note, this is a system control, not a part of LibreOffice, so there might be an adjustment to be made for Debian Gnome, but this should help you find where to look.

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