What's the web Server behind LOOL?

Hi all,

This is a basic question but I can’t understand yet. What is the web server running behind the LibreOffice Online?
The websocket is the protocol used to change messages, right? What’s other protocols are used in this application?


I don’t know LOOL, but you might find answers in https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Development/LibreOffice_Online#Development and the linked source. What do you want to do? Why do you need this information? It might be better to ask on developer IRC.

I’m working on a project which I need to implement the LOOL into an operating system (Linux). So, I need to understand in detail how LOOL works to explain later in my presentation. It’s an application with a lot of concepts associated that is important to understand (and these aren’t easy, at least for me). Even the way how the processes interact between which other is not easy to understand. So, If you’ve any information for me it’ll be very helpful.
Thanks for the answer

Then Ask is not a suitable forum. You need contact to the developers, who implement LOOL. Please use irc://chat.freenode.net/libreoffice-dev or ask on the developer mailing list LibreOffice Info Page.