I can t make a series of dates in UK format

Hi, I am trying to create a schedule for work. I have a date column but even when I make the format correct for UK date formats, when I use the fill function it defaults to something else. In the format setting for dates UK is set as my default.

This isn’t the answer you wanted. Dates are a problem for many people and with many computer programs. So I highly recommend using the ISO 8601 format for dates, yyyy-mm-dd, instead of any local format.
See Use international date format (ISO) - Quality Web Tips

and ISO 8601 - Wikipedia

You will probably have to adjust LibreOffice accordingly, but your computer problem will be solved and you will then only have to educate your uses.

I can’t reproduce that here. If I enter a date in a cell, format that cell and fill down, then the formatting of the original cell is preserved. Sounds like a bug. What version of LibreOffice are you using?