Inserting PDF as link fails

To name it correctly: Inserting a PDF as a link works for the first time, but if I close the document and re-open it, the PDF is gone, instead the flickering text read error is displayed. Checking the property of the “image” gives a correct path.

Maybe I am doing something wrong here? Or PDF files were never meant for linking?


  1. Which version of Libreoffice do you use?

  2. How many pages does your PDF have?

  1. LibreOffice
  2. Just one page, RGB, only text, PDF 1.5 (Acrobat 6.x), 14 KB
  3. Where I place the linked file, seems to be irrelevant. I tried locally and from network.

I tried insert PDF as image as link in LibreOffice 6.0.4. Then I opened this file - It worked fine.

can you try more new version of LibreOffice? 6.0.4? There is portable version

Indeed 6.0.4 works, thx, unfortunately I have to stick to the stable branch. Maybe this will get fixed later.

you can try update to 5.4.7, but after this don’t will be any update for 5.4.