How to open Excel 2nd or 3rd sheet with Libreoffice macro

Hi All
Have new requirement about operations in libreoffice macro with Excel file

Requirement : Open Excel file but not First sheet, I want to open 2nd or 3rd or 4th
How to open ?

Currently I am using below code to open excel file (first sheet)

Sub Macroexcel
Dim iFName As String
Dim iDoc As Variant
Dim oFName As String
Dim oDoc As Variant
Dim cSheet As Variant
Dim sUrl As String
Dim i As Long
Dim maxSize As Long

Dim OpenProp(1) as New	
OpenProp(0).value="MS Excel"

    iFName = "D:\Amazon\Andere.xlsm"
oFName = "D:\Amazon\Amazon_output.csv"

    sUrl = convertToURL(iFName)
If Not FileExists(sUrl) Then Exit Sub

   iDoc = stardesktop.LoadComponentFromURL(sUrl, "_blank",0, OpenProp())

   Dim oCursor As Variant
   Dim iDataArray As Variant
   Dim iD As Variant

cSheet = iDoc.getSheets().getByIndex(0)
oCursor = cSheet.createCursor()
iDataArray = oCursor.getDataArray()
   ..... more

I want to open “Beispiel” sheet

Thanks in advance

In your code, 0 indicates the first sheet.

cSheet = iDoc.getSheets().getByIndex(0)

Instead, get the third sheet:

cSheet = iDoc.getSheets().getByIndex(2)

Documentation: XIndexAccess.