Is there a way to permanently disable the "Automatic file extension" in the "Save as" dialog?

I have the need to regularly create CSV text files (with .TXT suffix) from spreadsheets. Every time I use the save as command, the default is to add the .CSV suffix to the file name (for example if I name the file “myfile.txt” it ends up being "myfile.txt.csv), so whenever I open the save as dialog, I have to uncheck the “Automatic file extension” tickbox.

This can be resolved by going to this question tdf#162642.
One minor change to the instructions given when using LibreOffice6.2.
After selecting “Open Expert Configuration” and scrolling down to “org.openoffice.Office.Common”,
double click “org.openoffice.Office.Common” to see a list of misc items.
look for “UseSystemFileDialog” in the property column.

Hope this helps

The bug number doesn’t exist?

I don’t know a way to change the default for the checkbox Automatic file name extension in the Save As... dialog, but I can tell you how to set txt as the default extension for the export filter Text - txt - csv (StarCalc):

Open the expert conficuration and enter the above given filter name (Exactly, including the spaces!) into the search box. You get shown a few related settings. Look for ExportExtension, edit this property, and change it to your needs.

As an extreme measure you might set all the predefined ExportExtension s to the empty string. This being a kind of workaraund replacing the DefaultCheckboxValue not to use any default extension.