Embedded "Table-in-table" View

In Microsoft Access you are able to see a “table within table” view. Was hoping this was possible in Base. Included a picture of what I mean.

You can see I have two tables. One is Artist and the other is Album. When I open the Artist table there is a plus sign that can expand and show the Albums from the Album table that match that Artist.

image description

I realize I could generate a report to get this type of view. However I like how in Access I can get this view in the normal table view so that I can add new entries right there and not have to swap between windows to see the report and then go somewhere else to add additional data.

@BenBase Please do not post questions as wiki. It helps no one…

Sorry, clicked the checkbox to see what the difference was and then forgot to uncheck.

Hello @BenBase,

This cannot be done in LO Table view. However it is simple enough to have a form containing the the Artist selection (table) with a subform containing the Album information.

For more information please refer to the LO Base documentation → LibreOffice Base Handbook.

Thank you, will go about doing it that way.