Getting rid of headers and footers in default writer template

I want to create a default template without headers and footers on any pages at any time, and without the irritating blue dotted line and the words ‘Right page Header (Default Style +) appearing every time I am near the top of the page. I have seen various suggested solutions and tried them all, but nothing works. Whatever I try, I still get that blue line and wording every time. I have never used headers and footers in the past and will never do so in the future. I have LibreOffice

Technically, headers and footers are part of page styles. By default, built-in page styles have no header nor footer. However, they come with 1" or 2cm margins all around which define a strictly non-printable area.

In their turn, styles are included in a template. They default one hosts the styles without header/footer and subsequently you can’t type anything in the margins.

But, if you click in the top/bottom margin (intentional action), you get the “irritating” blue line and blue drop-down menu allowing to add header/footer without going through the fuss of styles. Just avoid to click.

If you really want to get rid of this (everybody has a personal way of constructing a document and tastes are rarely shared), there is a special display mode but you lose some WYSIWYG attributes:

  1. Make sure you’re in single page mode (click on the single page icon at left of zoom slider (bottom right of wondow)
  2. View>Hide Whitespace

It is not perfect, but closest to your request.

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