is there a non proportional font which is narrow?

I use liberation sans narrow for text. i have several tables which have 4 decimal positions. i would like to align those numbers on the decimal point.

There are a couple good options for fonts which have “tabular lining numbers” as their default numerals (see below for samples):

“Lining numbers” and “tabular numbers” are sometimes used interchangeably, and can be enabled in LibreOffice (if the font supports them), in this way: `Constantia:+lnum" (or whatever). The list of “switches” can be found on Wikipedia. Strictly speaking, tabular numbers are used as monospaced (all digits equal width), while lining numbers are all the same (or almost the same) X-height, and sitting on the line (no “descenders” like 3, 5, etc.).

Here are samples, along with the demonstration of the lnum and tnum switches with a font that supports both:


If you are using tabs to “align those numbers on the decimal point”, then click through the “tab” icon in the ruler until it displays the decimal tab icon = dec-tab-icon:


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If you prefer condensed sans serif …
Noto Sans Condensed and Open Sans Condensed Light both also have the OpenType Tabular Figures feature.