unhide column in calc (ambiguous warning at merge cells)

apparently I have at least one hidden column in my sheet. when I try to merge two cells, a message asks if I want to include hidden cells

select all column, right click on heading of column (A,B etc) and select item from context menu SHows

When you ask to merge cells and two or more of them has content, you get a security dialog asking for “the contents of the hidden cells”. There is no hidden or missing content yet.

image description

A better render would be “the content of the cells to be hidden”.

More LibreOffice Help on Merge Cells.

You can see if there is a column hidden by the headings, there is a thicker line between the headings, and:

  • A, B, C (no column is hidden)
  • A, C (column B is hidden)

image description

Tested with LibreOffice (x86); OS: Windows 6.1.

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OS: Windows 6.1.


Taken from menu Help - About LibreOffice. Also known as Windows 7.

See List of Microsoft Windows versions - Wikipedia