How do I freeze rows/columns in LibreOffice-Online ?


It looks like I can not use row or column freezing in LibreOffice-Online : I can not find the entry in the menu…

Any plans to add this “killer”-feature soon ?



PS: Using one of the latest docker images of libreoffice-online in conjunction with Nextcloud :
LOOLWSD master… (git hash: 0b382f8)
LOKit LibreOffice (git hash: 413c7b4)

yes, for tables its very important feature

Is there a solution to the problem as of today?
added possibility to freeze columns / rows?
мукн problem with large tables

Still no solution?

Yes, the freezing rows/cols it is very needed.
we recently installed it and we are using it in nextcloud already, it is awesome!

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Is there a solution to the problem as of today?
added possibility to freeze columns / rows?

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i was do it

The solution: Freezing Rows or Columns as Headers - LibreOffice Help

Confirmed to work with libre

Only valid for the offline version of libreoffice.