Continue pasting in next column when page rows are full.

I need transfer Trend data from the HVAC automation for some Operating Rooms. I set up a sheet with 3 columns (A,B,C), Date/Time, Zone Temp and Zone humidity. I have another set of those 3 columns (E,F,G) to the right to fill the whole page, and there are 56 rows before a new page is started. When i copy a large batch of data (say 200 rows) and paste it into my spreadsheet, the data continues on to row 57 starting a new page. Is there any way to fill the whole page left to right before starting a new page?

If I had the same problem, I would work with 2 sheets. The first one would be a copy of raw data, that is 3 columns and many rows.
The second sheet would be references to the first sheet data to dispatch data in as many columns as needed.
That can be done with formulas like

$sheet2.A1 = $sheet1.A1


$sheet2.D1 = $sheet1.A57

Of course, if there is computations or charts to be done with the data, these computations or charts must use cells in sheet2 instead of cells in sheet1.