append to clipboard/pastebuffer or copy selection to other document

I am working through a document and want to select regions to copy to another document using as few motions as possible.

Ideally the context menu or keystroke that copies a selection to the default target – the last document pasted to, a standard-name default or…

Anything like this? I so often want to do this that I might have to look into writing my first LO macro, unless someone else ?

What you are asking is similar to what I have done. I quickly gobbled this up from my macro library.

The following code copies text (selection, sentence or paragraph) to a text document. The formatting is preserved. The destination document is hard coded as nodes.odt. Just create and save a blank document before you start. The text is pasted at the end of the document, in a new paragraph. For convenience I’ve added a routine to assign keyboard shortcuts to each of the copy subs. Change it to the keys of your liking and run it once to make the assignments. I would also recommend you put the source and destination documents side by side to make it less annoying since the code changes the active document back and forth each time it runs.

' Give VBA constants and other things to OO
Option Compatible

'Force variable decleration
Option Explicit

' Destination file
Const destFile As String ="file:///d:/temp/notes.odt"

Sub CopyText(opt as string)
	' For path function later on...

	' This is the source/active document
	Dim oDoc: oDoc = ThisComponent
	' Open destination file
	Dim notesDoc
	if FileExists(destFile) then
		notesDoc = stardesktop.loadComponentFromURL(destFile,"_default",0,array()) 
	end if

	'Refocus the doc we are editing

	Dim oVCurs, oTCurs
	oVCurs = oDoc.CurrentController.getViewCursor()
	oTCurs = oDoc.Text.createTextCursorByRange(oVCurs)

	select case opt
	case "p"
	case "s"
	case "h"
		if oTCurs.getString() = "" then beep
	case else
		print "Error: Incorrent option provided. Exiting."
		exit sub
	end select
	' Grab a copy
	Dim oSrcCC
	oSrcCC = ThisComponent.CurrentController
	Dim p: p = oSrcCC.getTransferable()


	Dim oDstText 
	oDstText = notesDoc.Text

	Dim oDstVCurs, oDstTCurs
	oDstVCurs = notesDoc.CurrentController.getViewCursor()
	oDstTCurs = notesDoc.Text.createTextCursor()

	' Append a new paragraph at the end (stop next par from inhereting formating...)
 	oDstText.InsertControlCharacter(oDstTCurs,_, False)
	' Move cursor to position to insert text
	' Insert text (including formatting)
	Dim oDstCC:	oDstCC = notesDoc.CurrentController
	'Re-activate the source doc

End Sub

Sub CopyHighlightedText()
End Sub

Sub CopySentence()
End Sub

sub CopyParagraph()
end sub

' Windows Macros
Sub doSetKeyboardMacros()

    Dim strCommandURL$, oKeyEvent

	' Key list
	const CNTRL = 2
	const SHIFT = 1
    Const ALT = 4
   	' Ctrl+Shift+P: CopyParagraph()
	strCommandURL = ""
    oKeyEvent = CreateKeyEvent( CNTRL + SHIFT,     
    SetCommandShortcut( oKeyEvent, strCommandURL )

	' Ctrl+Shift+H: CopyHighlightedText()
	strCommandURL = ""
    oKeyEvent = CreateKeyEvent( CNTRL + SHIFT,     
    SetCommandShortcut( oKeyEvent, strCommandURL )

	' Ctrl-Shift-L: CopySentence()
	strCommandURL = ""
    oKeyEvent = CreateKeyEvent( CNTRL + SHIFT,     
    SetCommandShortcut( oKeyEvent, strCommandURL )

end sub

Function getShortCutManager()
REM Return the ShortCutManager for the current Office Module.
    Dim oModuleManager As Object, oModuleIdent
    Dim oModuleConfigManager As Object, oModuleConfigManagerSupplier As Object
    oModuleManager = createUnoService( "" )
    oModuleIdent = oModuleManager.identify( ThisComponent )
    oModuleConfigManagerSupplier = createUnoService( "" )
    oModuleConfigManager = oModuleConfigManagerSupplier.getUIConfigurationManager( oModuleIdent )
    getShortCutManager = oModuleConfigManager.getShortCutManager()
End Function

Sub SetCommandShortcut( oKeyEvent, strCommandURL as String )
REM Adapted from code by Paolo Mantovani.
REM Connects a Keyboard Shortcut to a certain Command, such as a macro or UNO dispatch.
REM   <oKeyEvent>: representing the Keyboard Shortcut for this Command.
REM   <strCommandURL>:  the Command to which the Keyboard Shortcut will be attached.
REM Example call:
REM strCommandURL = ""
REM oKeyEvent = CreateKeyEvent( 2, )     REM Ctrl-J
REM SetCommandShortcut( oKeyEvent, strCommandURL )
    Dim oShortCutManager As Object
    oShortCutManager = getShortCutManager()
    oShortCutManager.setKeyEvent( oKeyEvent, strCommandURL )
End Sub

Sub RemoveCommandShortcut( strCommandURL as String )
REM Removes all the Keyboard Shortcut(s) associated with the specified Command.
REM <strCommandURL>: a Command that has one or more Keyboard Shortcuts to be removed from it.
    Dim oShortCutManager As Object
    oShortCutManager = getShortCutManager()
    oShortCutManager.removeCommandFromAllKeyEvents( strCommandURL )
End Sub

Function CreateKeyEvent( iModifiers as Integer, iKeyCode as Integer ) As
REM Construct and return a KeyEvent structure.
    Dim aKeyEvent As New
    aKeyEvent.Modifiers = iModifiers
    aKeyEvent.KeyCode = iKeyCode
    CreateKeyEvent = aKeyEvent
End Function