Themes not downloading in

It just says “Searching, please wait” and nothing happens, all 9 boxes remain black. I am stuck with default theme but I need a dark one as I am on high contrast Windows 10.

Pls help.

Please see Bug 118881 - Personas not found again

You can switch to high contrast icon theme: menu Tools > Option > LibreOffice > View.

I tried this but no matter what style I select it stays on Automatic (Colibre). Nothing happens and I could not get any other icon style to work.

You can try on of the pre-installed themes. For example Tools > Options > Personalisation > Pre-installed Theme > DARK. Will give a dark background and white letterings.

This information has been moved from the .config > libreoffice (for a Linux/Mint system) to the LibreOffice installation folder LIBREOFFICE6.2 / SHARE / GALLERY / PERSONAS / personas_list.txt file. The individual pre-installed Personas are in the folder. I have succeeded in replacing one of the Personas with my own. The system appears to be fluid at the moment. There is work going on in this area. By modifying the personas_list.txt, you can change the menu text colours.

I still have the same problem in libreoffice (Manjaro 18.0.3). Themes are not downloading. Any solution?

tdf#123831 - we finally decide to move to extension-based theming.