Drop caps not functioning on first paragraph

I typed in several paragraphs then decided I wanted a drop cap on the first paragraph. When to format - paragraph - drop caps, set everything up, but I don’t see it nor is it showing on the print preview.

Please give more details on your settings.

If your paragraph has not enough lines, drop cap is shrinked to paragraph height, giving the impression nothing works. Turn on View>Field Shading and >Formatting Marks. If your initial paragraph letter(s) have a gray background, drop cap was taken into account but paragraph height was the limiting factor.

Report back, editing your question (do not use an answer) and I’ll give more help.

Is there a way to change the effect that paragraph height has on drop caps? Even when I set it to 3 lines, my drop caps change to fit the paragraph lines and it looks extremely inconsistent.

@kclifton: this deserves its own question. Please, ask it. Provide as much detail on your specific case as you can, not forgetting OS name and LO version. If possible, attach a screenshot or a sample file, explaining what you expect and what is different from your expectation. Even if this seems obvious to you, remember that “obviousness” may not be the same for the reader.