Base Save Reports

RE: LO Version: (x64) on Win7 Pro 64bit

In LO Base when I open a Report I have to [Edit] the report every time.


And yes, I do save the report after editing.


When you open a Base Report the blue-bar above has an [Edit] button. You have to use this to edit the report and add things like Header/Footer etc. After the report looks the way I want, I [Save].

The next time I open the Report again, I have to go through the exact same steps.

What I am asking is there a way to have the Report open in the format (header/footer etc) that I previously saved?

Please do not post as wiki - it helps no one.

What specifically do you have to edit?

Your question is correct, why? Tell us what you do and why?

Hello @teckmaster,

What you are doing is actually editing the output of Report Builder (a Writer document).

To avoid this, edit the design of the report instead. On the report name, right mouse click & select Edit. Then modify the the report to your requirements & save. After this you will not need to edit the output.

I have already created some reports. It never happened that changes were not accepted. Once the report has been saved, you have to save again in the overview page (tables, queries, forms and reports). The symbol for “Save” indicates this with an asterisk.

Found the The Frugal Computer Guy page on Base.

Excellent videos. Answered all my questions and more.