How can I install the Libre Office in my Windows 10 laptop?

I use windows 10 on my laptop and I want to use the Libre Office on it. I have already downloaded the software on my windows system, but can’t install it there. I reported this on “kaspersky support” ( but found no such suggestion there. I need some idea how to install it on the Windows platform.

(Edited slightly by @Lupp to disable a link anchored to a misleading text.)

Spam alert.

Why should you worry about “kasperski-antivirus” and why should we?
Simply care for a clean system and install LibreOffice the same way as millions of users did on Win systems: Run the msi and answer if you’re prompted for.
lf actually a problem arises, you won’t get help anywhere without giving the relevant informations like:
What steps were done?
What messages were shown?
In what way got it manifest that the install failed?

More spam. Can’t someone just delete this question?

@peterjack9051 posted the OQ and was never seen on the forum since.
@RickyAnderson posted an answer (which was deleted since) on 2018-09-21, and the comment above. No additional activities logged.
Nonetheless, I cannot even estimate the mentioned posts clearly as spam. I simply don’t see a rationale.
I tried to edit the comment to disable the link, but that was blocked.
Since I now suspected the link to be a trap, I subsequently tried to delete the comment, and it worked.

My rationale is very simple: link spam. A random computer hardware manufacturer has nothing special to offer for questions like this one. The reply also contained link spam, and the advice to install version 5.0, for compatibility with Win 10. I rest my case.

@anon87010807: The missed rationale wasn’t one I tried to find for your comments, but for the posts by the two (mis)users I named. Why people do such things is a mistery for me. Nonetheless I hesitate very much to delete posts by others.