Document suddenly goes blank

A neighbor had a lengthy (hundreds of pages) document reset to page one while typing. I’m not a LO user, but assume its file storage / menus are like eg. MSWord. Anything particular to this software to check?

reset to page one

Do you mean the cursor was repositioned at page one? Did the remaining text seem to be lost or was the cursor merely repositioned? Which version of LO is he using and which operating system is installed?

If all text disappeared, he may have hit Ctrl+A instead of Shift+A, selecting all text in the document. If he then pressed any key, the selection is overwritten by the pressed key. Press Ctrl+Z to recover the text. Or he hit Ctrl+N, starting a new, blank document. In that case he can close the blank file and return to the original document.

This occurred while typing; all was fine, and then all was blank. He then backed out of the program, and received the error message “(document name) is not ready” when attempting to open it again. I’m assuming this is just a computer glitch, but thought I’d throw it out there in case someone’s seen the message before, and had a solution (like an AutoRecovery file, which we can’t find either).
Thanks for your response, but it looks like just one of life lessons for frequent manual backups.