Cells displaying name of sheets

I am a teacher, and I have several tests planned this year for my students. They will be getting grades on each of these tests, and I will be logging their marks in a file. I plan on using a LibreOffice Calc document for that purpose.

For this, I want a first page that will display, for each student, each of the grades he got, and that will evaluate some mean based on coeffecients for each test, and, for each test, the mean of the grades of the class, and I’d like to have colours to help me see who improves and who doesn’t. Basically, each line of my first sheet is going to be a student, and each column is going to be a test.

All this is rather easy and I can achieve it, except for one tiny part : I know I will give them about 12 tests throughout the year, I still exactly don’t know how many they’ll get, and I would like to have, for each column, a header that has the name of the sheet that has all the info about the test.

So, I want sheet1 to have global information, sheet2 to be named “Test1 - 27/09/2018”, sheet 3 to be named “home assignment 1 - 28/09/2018”, etc. In my first sheet, I want a column for each sheet (in the same rank), the first column being for the students’ names, the second column for “Test1 - 27/09/2018”, the third column for “home assignment 1 …” etc.
I also want to be able to add a test in the middle of the year because I will probably have to.

I need help writing the columns of the first sheet - can you help me with this?

Many thanks!

Do not name sheets the way you described. Choose simple systematic names without special characters, spaces, and all the stuff. That’s not a name but data. Details1, Details2, Details3, …that’s enough for the names, and by these names you can reference sheets directly or using the ADDRESS() function and INDIRECT() e.g. The information when exactly a test was given and all that should be in cells. A few header rows per column can then show the relevant information. …

Yes. I’m also a teacher (now retired) and I used spreadsheets for the purpse many years…
(However, I do not know how to start with helping you “writing the columns of the first sheet”.)