How do I turn off headers?

They are not on in insert of format - page or default style but they continually appear and don’t appear to be removeable. I generally like LibreOffice but the help file stinks

I have added a number of cartoon files. Where are they saved? I am used to finding them under the gallery tab in Open Office. The add on menu shows them as installed but where are they

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@AlaricWood, Can you share your operating system and LibreOffice version? To do that, choose menu Help - About LibreOffice and copy from there.

Would you share with us a file with the problem?

I use Debian 10.5. LibreOffice is File I don’t know if the file is open to you. I can’t upgrade LibreOffice in Debian. I could re-install it from scratch but it would involve a lot of work to replace myvarious bits and pieces. Looking at the style, it does not include headers on but may be I should try to update it with header off

@AlaricWood, Take a look at the guidelines at to see if it can be caused by corruption in the user profile.

Choose menu Format - Page - Header tab, and uncheck Header on.

See LibreOffice Help on Header.

LibreOffice (x86); OS: Windows 6.1

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