How to add a text form hyperlink that display PART NOT ALL of content in a cell in LibreOffice Calc?

I have a spreadsheet with 2 sheets, and the content in A1 in Sheet1 is “Description, see Figure 1”. I wanna insert a text form hyperlink in Sheet1.A1 that display ONLY “Figure 1” and pointing to Sheet2.
What I do is select the text “Figure 1”, then click Inert->Hyperlink, in the Hyperlink Dialog I set Target to Sheet2 and leave other options to default.
So far the content in Sheet1.A1 doing all I want, BUT if I close LibreOffice Calc and reopen the file, it changed, ALL the content in Sheet1.Al now became the display of the hyperlink.
What can I do? Is it a BUG?
Please help, thanks!