CALC Chart; How to add space between chart vert,-BARS?

HP Pavilion, win1, LO 6.1.
Add space BETWEEN bars?EYE chart.ods

Your chart didn’t translate well in my computer (using LO v5.4.5.1). To change the spacing of the bars in a standard bar chart, double-click on the chart to place it in Edit mode. Left click on any bar to select that data series. Now right click on the same bar to get the dialog box to appear. Select Format Data Series. Select the Options tab. Under Settings, adjust the Spacing. The default value is 100%. Values less than 100 will decrease the spacing and values more than 100 will increase the spacing. Once you have obtained a satisfactory display, click on any cell outside of the chart area to get the chart out of Edit mode. Reading the Help file will provide additional information.

If this answered your question, please click on the check mark at the left so that others will know the answer worked for you. Thank you.

Thanks … Trying it now, 10/15/18…


Could you possibly help m starting 'Line & Bar?


Could you possibly help m starting 'Line & Bar?

I am not sure exactly what you are asking. Line charts and bar charts are two different things. I should add that what most people think of as a bar chart is called a “column” chart in LibreOffice. Have you read the help file? Use menu Help → LibreOffice Help → Charts and Diagrams → General Information → Charts in LibreOffice. There is also on-line help from the Help menu.

Which data did you want to show in a chart?.