Libre Office Calc Column Compare

How would I take the Values of A1 - A6 and compare them to the Values in Columns B1-F6 and any values that match change the background color to limegreen of only those matching cells?

Thanks in advance -Brian-

Hello, @bfpa40. Go to Format -> Styles -> New Style... and create style with your preferred name, lets call it LimeStyle Then go to Format -> Styles -> Manage Style, right click on LimeStyle and click Modify. Select Font Effects tab and choose the font and other styling effects you want. Then select A1:A6 range, go to Format -> Conditional Formatting - > Condition... and under Condition 1 select Formula is, copy this formula in the text box SUMPRODUCT($B$1:$F$6;A1=$B$1:$F$6) and under Apply Style select LimeStyle and click Ok.

I think the original question was rather about the value in column A matches any of the values in the same row of columns B to F, so the formula should be SUMPRODUCT(A1=B1:F1)>0

[I missed the 2D range earlier so deleted the previous comment]

Deleted mine as well. Yes, if the question is about matching value in the same row, SUMPRODUCT(A1=B1:F1)>0 is correct choice. I thought that @bfpa40 needs to match values in A1:A6 in the whole range. Read the question several times - still not sure what is the correct option. Anyway, TS now has two options to chose from :slight_smile: