Macro with mouse

Hi, is it possible to assign macro to mouse button?

Assuming you are talking of a ‘Push Button’ e.g.: The dialogue for editing the object has and ‘Events’ tab where you can assign a macro to the event ‘Mouse button released’ e.g.

If your button is an icon/text (sensitive area) you inserted into a toolbar you need to go >Tools>Customise and choose ‘Category’ ‘Macros’.

===Edit1:2018-11-01 21:48 MET===
There is this playful little demo.

Thank you very much for the answer, still i can’t find the mouse button relased in the event list, nor I can figure how to add it.
What I want to do is simple (at least I think): I have one of those gaming mice with more buttons and I’d like to use one of these to color the text background with a specific color, is it possible?
Thank for your help

You cannot assign a routine to the mouse itself or to one of it’s buttons. If you move the mouse or press/release one of its buttons, it depends on the position of the mouse what event is raised. You need to click on a sensitive area of a form control e.g. to get the respective mouse events raised of the contol. It wiill not tell “the mousebutton was pressed” but “I, control, was clicked on”.

Thanks again