How do I copy a calc sheet format?

I want to copy the formatting to a new sheet. I don’t need the Data. I know thee must be a simple way to do this, but I haven’t figured it out.

It is a simple Copy-Paste. But you have to paste only formats (with the Paste special option)

try this:
1- Select the entire sheet: click on the top-left corner (column and row headers)
2- Copy the sheet: + (or with the mouse: Right Click > Copy)
3- Open a new sheet
4- Position en the the A1 cell (the default)
5- On the menu bar: Edit > Paste Special ( or with the mouse: Right Click > Paste special > Paste special)
6- Paste only formats: on the menu: uncheck everything but Formats. Click on OK. (or just press Enter if OK button is highlighted)

Could not get this to work in LO Calc Version:

Clicking on the top left corner was my problem, instead I selected A:1 A, C and then spececl pasted to the new sheet. I don’t know why clicking the little upper left hand box didn’t do the trick. I am using LO 6.1.2