What are light blue lines above and below every line?

I pasted some text from a wiki into Writer. Every line of text now has pale blue lines above, below, and to the left of the lines (see attached file).

The lines don’t appear to have been created by a style. What else could cause them to appear? I imagine that there is a simple answer. What is it?

Calc release notes sample.odt

C:\fakepath\Blue lines.JPG

(Edit: activated screenshot -AK)

Show the file.

I was thinking that a screenshot would make the answer obvious but see I was wrong. Sorry about that. Sample file uploaded.

Format > Character > Border

also some sections… Did you import from Word or the internet? Okay, from a wiki, I just recognised…

Select text and hit STRG + M and delete the sections. No use for them.

Format anew.

If you don’t need the bulleted list, it’s easy to delete.

Thank you so much. Now it seems obvious but it never occurred to me to look at direct character formatting.

I am not sure what you mean by “hit STRG + M.” Also, what sections are you referring to?

I have also noticed that the text has a white background. I will create a separate post about how to get rid of that background.

If you recognize the text, you may be seeing some questions about it from me.

STRG+M is probably non-English version of Ctrl+M. German equivalent, I think.

When copying from a web page, if you don’t want to end up with all sorts of unwanted formatting, use Paste Special.

Anticipating your next question, Ctrl+M is a keyboard shortcut to Format | Default Formatting.

Oh, that makes sense, robleyd. I am trying to increase my understanding of Writer so end up chasing puzzles like this, even when I could use Paste Special.