Can anyone tell me if I can put Libra Writer on my windows XP home edition computer, which is not on the internet?

Can I put Libre Office on my xp windows home computer. It’s not on the internet so it’s still in pristine condition unlike my other computer which has the internet. I do my writing on my old computer Microsoft word, but that version of word is lousy. Can anyone tell me if I can put Libra Writer on my windows XP home edition computer, which is not on the internet?

You may download LibreOffice installer (version, the last one that supports Windows XP) from our download archive, and put to a USB stick to install on another system.

I often use the Portable App version of LibreOffice which is a self-contained executable requiring no install. Not sure the latest version of that would work on XP though. The coolness is that it can be run off a USB stick! Good for taking to other computers to use LibreOffice without having to install (like a friend’s computer, the local library, etc).

Thanks so much for your help. I hope I can use it from a memory stick! Elizabeth

Keep in mind what Mike said though. You might find that newer versions of LibreOffice might have trouble running in XP. You’ll likely have more success with a 32-bit over 64-bit version in XP. Good luck!