can;t won;t don;t aren't highlighlighted as errors.

A lot of words with apostrophes in them can be typed with a semi-colon instead, such as those above. They aren’t highlighted as errors. Can this be adjusted in the settings for writer?

Can, won and don are legal English words which are followed by punctuation. The spelling checker does not flag single-letter words, considering they are symbols or abbreviations.

Remember the spelling checker works only on the “shape” of words (excluding punctuation). Apart from the fact you have no space around the semi-column, the sequence is accepted by the simple algorithm.

The work around would be to create AutoCorrection entries.

Try reporting the problem to the project that maintain the English dictionaries.

Answer deleted - incorrect - apologies.

I think the problem here is they are not flagged as errors. The built-in grammar tool flag them, but only suggest to add a space after the semicolon. As @ajlittoz said, the words are valid and the spell checker just skip them

I read the OQ too quickly. Thanks for correcting me @RGB-es. I have edited my answer.

BTW, the Answer editor does not honour Markdown “strikethrough” (using ~~). Is there a trick to it?


Thanks for the replies. I understand your explanations. However, Word corrects them automatically. Type in ‘don;t’ and it becomes ‘don’t’.

Of course, I can live with that anomaly; Writer is free and there are aspects of it that I think are superior to Word. But it would be nice if something similar could be down in Writer.

From my understanding, ‘Auto-correct’ would only work if ‘don;t’ was highlighted as an error.

Thanks to BigRai - I’ve done it and, yes, it works.

Tools, AutoCorrect, AutoCorrect Options. I hadn’t been aware of that.

Auto-correct works fine in these cases (just tested).

Please suggest as an enhancement: Help>Send Feedback…

Also the correct place for comments here are in comments, not in answers.