can l install writer on my xp computer?

Thanks so much for your advice about installing writer. I’ll try that. Is that version of libre an improvement over the old Microsoft word? Is it hard to use? Thanx! Elizabeth

There are many different “old MS Word” and many users preferring LibreOffice Writer anyway. But LibO is a branch of (basically) independent office software. However, if your documents were created with MS Word, you will be able to open and edit them, but there may be some details (concernoing the formatting of documents) not supported in the same way.

Thank You so much. elizabeth

You can install LibreOffice, and Writer will be available to you. But you will need to go to Index of /libreoffice/old and download a version 5.4 or older (32-bit). For versions of the 6.x.y series support of Win XP was discontinued.
Also for versions 5.4.y (and probably some older versions) you need your Win XP updated to SP3.

Yes, there @Lupp is right with an older version from the archive.

Thank You so much. elizabeth

Hi Elisabeth, LibreOffice is a program with several modules (Writer, Calc, Impress, Draw etc.). You can only install LibreOffice as a whole. It should not be a problem. If you only use Writer then this isn’t a problem.
If you are not sure whether your PC system is sufficient, you can look here, which conditions must be met:

You can download LibreOffice here:

EDIT: See at @Lupp

There is also the offline-help.

The installation instructions can be found here:

I wish you success!

Thank You so much. elizabeth