debt clock for calc

Hi all, very first post. Is it possible to make a basic debt clock in libreoffice cal, has to refresh autocratically at 1 second intervals. Building home loan calculator and budget over 20 years. i know it can be done on arduino using code via serial port but can be useful in cal.

Thanks in advance.

An interesting idea. As far as I know (but I could be wrong!), there is no real-time clock function in Calc. (Although maybe there is one with a more obscure name than I was looking for.) But what you want might be done by having a macro read the system clock. Someone with more experience in macros might be able to help you.

I don’t know if this one could help you.

However, I’ve created something similar to a real-time clock using macro.

Follow file example (comments in the macro)
ExampleClock_FA.ods (10,7,KB)

Please, if this answer worked for you somehow, mark the :white_check_mark: check box to help another users.

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There is a way to do it without macros, linking a file to itself and setting the update time interval.
Please take a look to the attached file.
The link was created Menu/Sheet/Link to external data, selecting the file as source, to a range name with 1 second interval.
You can see how it is set up on Menu/Edit/Link to External files.
timer.ods (11.0 KB)