Follow links

I just switch from another Office Suite and I am trying to make Libre Cal in particular work for me.

I have a neurological problem that inhibits the use of a mouse. I am working with a spreadsheet in Calc that concatenates information from several cells and generates a hyperlink to a web page. The hyperlink is the only text in a given cell.

I have researched it but can’t find if there is a keyboard shortcut to follow the hyperlink without using a mouse. I am a novice at programming macros. Is there a macro for executing a hyperlink if the cell pointer is in a hyperlink cell?

It is possible though a bit cumbersome…

In menu Tools → Options → LibreOffice → Security, Security Options and Warnings Options…, Security Options, uncheck Ctrl-click required to follow hyperlinks.

With an opened Calc document, in menu Tools → Customize, tab Keyboard

  1. on top right select either global LibreOffice or Calc radio button, depending on whether you want to assign a global shortcut or only for Calc
  2. in the Shortcut Keys list press the desired key combination to select the corresponding entry, or travel in the list, for example Shift+Ctrl+H
  3. in the Functions edit box type hyper to list all hyperlink related functions
  4. from the Function list select Open Hyperlink
  5. click the Modify button (or press Alt+M, of course this can vary in UI translations); this should assign the shortcut selected in Shortcut Keys to the function, which then appears in Keys
  6. hit the OK button

Now for a cell containing one or more hyperlinks you need to place the cell in edit mode (F2) and then place the cursor at the beginning of the hyperlink field, then you can press Shift+Ctrl+H (or your shortcut) to open it.