Base Report Builder Accumulation function

Using Base on Windows 10 with Embedded Firebird. Can’t get the Accumulation function to work for a report field which is calculated in the query, Accumulated field remains blank.

The SQL for the calculated field is:-
SELECT CAST( ( ( “FinishTime” - “StartTime” ) / 3600 ) AS DECIMAL ( 10 , 2 ) ) AS “TotHrs”

and the capture shows how I’ve defined the Accumulation field.

image description


Have created a Q&D report based loosely upon your information. Have kept the same Cast statement in the query. Don’t have all your information on how you have created the report but include here how mine is set. The report definition:

This shows the grouping (used Week here) and the definition of the accumulated field. This is nearly identical to what you have in the question - just my field name is different. Here is the report result:

image description

You can see the total works for this grouping. This done on Mint 18.3 using LO with Firebird Embedded DB.

If you continue to have problems, it may be best to post a sample of your .odb file for closer examination.