Best way to visualize net graphs in calc?

From this calc sheet of mineral waters : Framacalc - tableur collaboratif en ligne

I would like to create either a big net graph with all mineral waters and their composition, or one net graph per mineral water (so 20+ graphs in total) in order to see how each mineral water compare to the others.

What would be the best way to visualize that ?

Here’s what I tried and how each combination of paramters yielded : Net charts - Album on Imgur

@ychaouche, I think that, to see all data, the best option with the net chart is to use one chart per mineral water brand, with Y axis set to logarithmic scale, and maximum set to 660 (the greatest value).

That said, my opinion is that net charts is to compare similar data along cicles (e.g. days, years); at most, similar data of different products (chart with teal color in my sample file).

You can give a try to Stacked columns.

Also, instead of a logarithmic scale, you can use a differente unit to Résidus à sec and Bicarbonates (e.g. cg/l).

See sample file.

Tested with LibreOffice (x86); OS: Windows 6.1.

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Your bar charts are awesome. How do you make bar charts inside cells like that ?

Menu Format - Conditional - Data Bar.