Libreoffice on multiple monitors

Im using Libre office on multiple monitors. I can only seem to edit documents on the monitor I have chosen as the main one. Viewing them is also a problem on other monitors. I use text and spreadsheet documents. Any suggestions how to fix problem?

Since it works like a charm on my config with 2 or 3 monitors, please edit your question (don’t use an answer for that) to provide OS, desktop manager and LO version, eventually PC model.

And please also specify the number of connected monitors.

I re-installed windows 10 last week and just installed the latest version (6) of libreoffice this weekend. Im using 6 monitors. The PC was setup by pro technician. Libreoffice worked fine before I had windows crash and needed re-install (also done by pro technician). Monitors set up identical to before as well.

How are the monitors switched? Can your graphics card simultaneously serve 6 monitors? If it worked before, you should update the driver for the graphics card.

Then I recommend you to contact the pro technician. I can not help you at this point, sorry.