Installation Failed - Unknown Error - Win10x64


i tried to install LibreOffice on Windows10 Pro x64, but after a while it stucks on “doing nothing…” the progressbar stops at ~10% … after 3-5 minutes the installation will be canceled by the setup.

i already tried to start as administrator directly, start in comatibility mode win7, cleaned system with ccleaner and repaired registry (first time ive done this… but i have a backup!!) … and the same with the other setup on start page (6.0.7) … with the same result =(

Ive created a gif to show the installation progress [in german language] (my gif creator removes most of the same images at the end of the installation… i added a text where the installation stucks!!)

(edit: broken gifs removed)

The last progress image says something like this:

The setup was interrupted before libreoffice was completely installed.
Your system has not changed.


Do you have Windows Update service disabled some hard way? Currently Windows Update is a hard requirement.


@mikekaganski: Thanks for the advice with the windows updates! :slight_smile:

I had some issues with the windows update service and a hidden malwarebytes process … so i had to do a full restart (shutdown -g -f -t 0) to see the process and uninstall it!!

After this my windows update service was fixed… ive done some updates and my issue is solved.

The installation of libreoffice was successful!