How do I set temporary tabs in Writer?

In my document, I need to set temporary tabs to align items in a list with long sentnces. I haven’t a clue. Here’s an example. (This sentence in a numbered list).

  1. In my document, I need to set temporary tabs to align items in a list with long sentnces. I haven’t a clue. Here’s an example. (This sentence in a numbered list).

How do I make the lower line(s) align text-to-text, not to the margin?

By experimenting I found this: Use the Bulllets and Numbering function in Writer.

You can create a separate paragraph style for the paragraphs you want to format differently. In the style, simply set the indent before text and indent after text, if required, to a suitable value.

Or you an use the direct format method (not recommended) of Format | Paragraph. The use of styles is preferred; if for example you have used this format widely throughout your document and then decide the indent(s) need to be a different size, you simply edit the style once and all paragraphs of that style will be changed. With direct formatting you would need to change each paragraph separately.

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To understand list alignment, check this article or chapter 7 of my book.