Are there any plans to add LibreOffice file thumbnails in platform-standard file browsers? Such as macOS’s Finder, or Windows’ File Explorer (formerly Windows Explorer), or any of the common Linux ones? I’m particularly interested in macOS, since that’s the platform I noticed it on - but as I was browsing around my files, I noticed that a .xlsx that was in the same directory as one of my .ods spreadsheets showed a small preview of the file, with all the colored columns and patterns of the document I was looking for. It was a fantastic help to finding the file I wanted, whereas the .ods displayed a, well, rather bland large LibreOffice icon. It’s a great icon, guys! But it’d be awesome to have file browser file thumbnails to help you identify the document or project you’re looking for.
Just my two cents - and while you’re at it, maybe someway to visually distinguish whether or not you’re looking at a .xls, .xlsx, .ods, or .csv file…?