Formulas disappearing or shrinking in LO Writer documents

LO version: (Build ID: 0eaa50a932c8f2199a615e1eb30f7ac74279539)
OS: Windows 8


I just started using LO Writer for math notes, and I’m noticing that some of my formulas in my docs are either disappearing (formula object is still there, but it goes blank) or getting shrunk (zoomed in, can see the content of the formula, but when I try to edit, it all disappears; I can’t get the formulas back). Can’t attach images to this post, but here’s what it looks like when a formula gets shrunk: (regular view and then zoomed in). Is this a known bug? As far as I can tell, there’s no way to get the content of the formulas back, so I have to go in and retype everything.

Noticed a lot of the disappeared formulas were on lines where I had multiple formula boxes, or had other text on. So I started adding formula objects on lines by themselves, but the issue persisted.

Thanks in advance for any help!


What file format do you use to save the files?

I am having this exact same problem. It just started today - and is incredibly frustrating when you’re editing your 147 page dissertation with more than 300 equations. Some are disappearing from portions of the document that I am not working on, but luckily I have many many backups.

Build ID: Arch Linux build-2

I just wanted to say that I am experiencing this too! I’m not too sure, but I think it started with a document that I was editing in LibreOffice 4.2.something (for Windows), and I now have the issue in (Debian’s) LibreOffice 3.5.4!

I suspect the file is being corrupted, rather than the office suit misinterpreting the file, if that makes sense.

(I’m use LibreOffice 5, O.S: Debian). The problem is when write large formula, and you see something like:

Then, you can solve that problem, moving the “picture” of the formula:

I have noticed that this issue is nearly 10 years old and, in 2022, it is still occurring with the latest version of LO. Why is this? The fact that the Formula cannot be integrated into Writer is a serious deficiency when so many students and researchers use and benefit from LO. Even when equations are saved in their own file, when they are imported into a document any subsequent Save results in quite random appearance of the said formulae.

@Brownbear: the issue is highly dependent on the save format of the document. and your formatting strategy. Avoid .doc(x) which need translation/conversion on load and save, causing a huge loss of information and formatting; always work in native .odt format. Second possible cause is the use (abuse?) of direct formatting which puts a big stress in Writer. Formulas automatically receive Formula frame style. If you tweaked the style (intentionally or inadvertently), you experience mishaps.

As always with advanced Writer features, you must learn the founding principles of styles (and not only paragraph styles, the most obvious ones) and correctly understand their effects. Styles are an absolute necessity as soon as your document is more then 2-page long or is frequently reviewed and updated.

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So let me tell you all this:
This problem used to be many years ago on OOffice and it somehow migrated to LO during the fork.
It’s a annoyance, mostly…
I was asked to install LO 4.4 which probably uses a newer and different way of managing formulas, and probably fixed it.
However, I did return to the native version of my distro (Mint 17.1- Rebbeca, LO 4.2), because LO 4.4 would crush too much to my taste, and I never had the chance to really find out if the problem occurs on it as well.
Just to be on the safe side: In case this problem returns to anyone else I uploaded two files that this happened to them, one after deleting a character that was after the formula box and the second one happened after reopening a saved file.
Am still not sure what causes it, but maybe these two files can help:

First file

Second file

Same for me, in RHEL, Arch, and now in OpenSUSE. Libreoffice versions 4.x, 5.x, and 6.x.
If this gets to the developers, please try and type in a few formulas, then some test text then some more formulas. After about 3-5 mins you’ll experience this effect of the formula getting shrink-ed and then when you want to edit it, it clears itself.

The best way to “work” with this problem is to do a Ctrl+A and a Ctrl+C (of the formula) after each new/edited formula. This will allow to easily restore the contents of the formula. This would reduce the number of times you have to retype the formulas.

I’m editing over 300 formulas in my reports and it becomes very frustrating. The best way forward seems like going for TeX and try and combine it with libre-office.

This issue is still extant in 2024 and most frustrating. Regina suggested that allocating a larger memory for OLE objects (in my case formulae) but this was comprehensively batted away by the LOW developers who have removed the option of memory allocation. Since many users appear to be research workers and students who need a reliable formula method I wonder if this subject needs re-visiting?

Which specific issue you mean? The issue of “formulas disappearing”? It only needs a reliably reproducible scenario and a respective bug report. Or larger OLE memory? it is still available as expert configuration (but even if it somehow worked, which isn’t granted, it would be just a workaround for an actual bug, which needs a proper fix anyway).

@Brownbear If you have a file with the problem systematically occurring, please ask your own question, possibly with a link to this one, Attach the document for analysis.

Note that the original question dates back to 2013. Many things have changed since then.

My wild guess would be it is related to frame positioning as I experienced such issues with frames other than formulas. Solving/managing it is very tricky as are all problems with frames. I’d like to see what manipulations you forced on the frame. Peace of mind with frames requires the use of carefully crafted styles and absolutely no direct formatting.

LibreOffice 3.6.7.

Thank you Miguel, I am running LOW on a Mac but this path in the Preferences does not seem to exist! Still, thanks, it is a route I believe is the correct one.

It was to show that those options, I think, have nothing to do with the issue.

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I agree, it is a long-standing issue that should have been resolved. However, I am so desperate that I am willing to give the Cache solution a try - I have increased it from 20 to 1000 OLE items! Thanks

Can you find the missing formulae by using Navigator? Click on each frame listed in Navigator in turn to see where it is located.

If you see just the frame handles in an unexpected location, with them still selected, click Format - Anchor - To character to bring the formula frame back into the visible text.

I suspect tdf#87912 might be the cause but I cannot test without having the problem.

I need an explanation:
you’re saying that as soon as you see a formula had disappeared\changed its size, you just move the object and it returns to its original form?