Fill a series across many sheets in a single column

What I want to do is put a number in the A1 cell, across 10 sheets.
The first sheet is 1, the second sheet is 2, etc.
Can’t for the life of me figure out how to do this.

Create your sheets.
(Now I assume these are the seventh through the sixteenth sheet of the spreadsheet document.)
Go to the seveth sheet, select A1.
Shift+Leftclick on the tab of the sixteenth sheet now selects the 10 sheets concerned, all 10 at the same time.
Enter the formula =SHEET()-6 into the already selected active cell. ENTER.
Copy (Ctrl + C).
Paste Special… with values only.

This will surely be much faster than to type 10 numbers, won’t it?

Thank you! This should be a menu function somewhere.

Well, I knew it because I study and try lots of things due to my “voluntary consulting job”.
However, I never needed it in more than 20 years of using spreadsheets. In the few cases where i serailised sheets of equal structure and predefined contents I created them if needed using the Move/Copy item from the context menu of a draft-sheet’s tab.
(What’s your use-case?)