Return from link

When I click on a link I inserted in the text, it goes fine to follow it. But how do I get back again?

This should be simple but you have left out a lot of key information. Is the link to another document or to a site on the Internet? Are you reading your document in a LO component (like Writer?) or in a browser (Internet Explorer?)? If in a browser, does the Back button (left-pointing arrow) not work?

I am mostly in need of navigating inside a document. There is no back button. I am only talking about using writer to read the document and edit it, but it becomes tedious when it is over 200 pages.

You might find bookmarks useful for this; you can use the Navigator - F5 - to move to your various bookmarks.

@mowence – I can think of no better answer to your problem than the one above by @robleyd.

Then I have to bookmark the page I have the link on. Tedious but possible, of course. Like going one page back at a time, which the navigator also can do. How do I get a back button installed?

In long documents shared by others, I bookmark subheadings and sections, then create links to those bookmarks from other parts of the document. Of course, the reason I do this is so that I do not need to repeat the data or information found in those bookmarked places in the document, yet still allow the reader to click on the link to read the material for themselves. But readers cannot easily return to the hyperlink which they clicked on, after they have read the bookmarked data or information, except through a very tedious amount of frustrating scrolling. Other word processors have a control character (like ctrl-leftarrow) which returns them to the last hyperlinked text they clicked on. But I cannot find anything like that in LibreOffice. Does one exist?