I don't know how to repair document with this error Read-Error. Format error discovered in the file in sub-document content.xml at 2,3324(row,col).

I found some suggestions how to repair it here but I am not sure what should be changed inside the code. this is an libre office document which had some editing done in ms word and i continued working on it in my libre office. after crashing now unable to open the file and this error appears Read-Error. Format error discovered in the file in sub-document content.xml at 2,3324(row,col). I have uploaded the document here https://www.mediafire.com/file/nygh5l15fp5jx7m/Tyzlik-Carver_Self-CuratingJMDec18.odt/file
I imagine the error is in the comment from the editor which were made in word . i have worked on this successfully for few days and have been saving regularly the file, but don’t have a backup unfortunately.
this is an article I have been working on for some time and almost done with editing at which point this happens. I would appreciate help with this. Thank you!

I assume you don’t have a backup; so upload the document on a file sharing service such as Mediafire and post the link here - edit your question. Someone will try and help you.

Thanks robleyd, i have now added link to the doc. much appreciate the help.

Tyzlik-Carver Self-CuratingJMDec18.odt

Mike, Thank you soooo much! You made my day! Thank you! What did you change in there?

There was a duplicate name attribute, which I had to remove.

how do i find it if it happens again? would you be so kind to send me instructions?

Basically I open the document as ZIP, then open the .XML reported in the error message, check it for XML syntax errors, and (given my knowledge of how LO works, since I’m a LO developer) think how to fix that. In case of duplicate attributes that have absolutely same values, it’s simply remove all but one duplicating attribute; but in your case, the values of the two duplicates were different, so I had to look around a bit.

It’s better that you find the cause of such corruption (which actions/input data/etc give that), and file proper bug report if you encounter it again (but then, you need to use a fresh version, since the problem might be already fixed in a later version).

Mike, I have again this problem. I receive this error message: Read Error.
Format error discovered in the file in sub-document content.xml at 2,3415(row,col).
is there a way to repair it? I think maybe the fact that the document was edited in microsoft office and then saved, might generated this issue. i am not sure how to work on this so the is not repeating the same problem each time i save and close my edits. are you able to advise?
Would you be able to recover the file if i sent it to you? what happens is that I make changes, save the document and close it. when i want to open it again the error message appears.

I can try to fix it (you didn’t mention if that’s all error message you get, so I don’t know if that’s the same problem).

Regarding what to do - well, you should make sure the problem appears on latest versions of LO; and then try to reproduce which edits result in the problem appearing. If you succeed, you should file a bug report, attaching the document before the problem, and describing the detailed steps how to edit it, save, and get the problem. That would enable to reproduce - and finally fix that.

This is the only error message i receive.
I am working on the LO 6.2 but I think the problem occured on the earlier version LO4. I know exactly which edit i was working on just now. I could retrace the steps. but if you are able to repair the document I was working on that would be an amazing help.
also, what to do now? do you think if i copied and pasted the text into a new docuement would be a fix for now? Here a link to the file http://www.mediafire.com/file/162b656lgxi2x7b/March2019.odt/file


Only a bug report would be something productive. I cannot tell if any copying to another document help avoid it or not…