After download of program still cannot open wps files

I have downloaded the standard program hoping to be able to open my wps files on my laptop with 2010 starter. Have not been able to open them, can anyone help?

I can not confirm that as a general problem, works for me for lots of documents I created with WORKS 4.5a. But AFAIR that name extension has been used for several different document formats starting in the MSDOS times and still used with WORKS 2000 and may be later. So no general answer will be possible.
BTW: It helps if you mention the LibO version and localization, contribute information concerning your Operating System and tell us with what software the .wps have been created.

Not tested:

Hi Anonymous,

Looks like the answer is “Not currently” – see notes from Pedro here:

If you’d like someone to add this as a feature in LO, please file an enhancement bug and provide as much information as possible. Don’t forget to mark your bug as an ‘enhancement’. The QA team will be happy to help you triage your feature request in the bugtracker.

Please post a link to any bugs you file in a comment below using the format “fdo#123456”.
