Slightly complex formula in calc fails

I am trying to apply a slightly more complicated formula in Calc.

I have a spreadsheet with contents like:

MAP: 0.473	MAP: 0.49	MAP: 0.625

with each mAP in a separate cell.

Here is visual demonstration of my cells:
image description

and I would like to get the maximum value of the numbers contained in these cells.

At first I used:

=RIGHT(A1, 4)

to get the number and then added:


to get a numerical value. If I calculate those values in the row below and use a single formula as:


I get the correct result.

On the other hand if I substitute A2 in the last formula with its actual formula I got an error:


So, is this something I cannot apply for some reason? Did I do something wrong? What am I missing here?

Please try this variant


Thanks a lot. That made the trick. Unfortunately I don’t have enough points to upvote.